Monthly Archives: November 2012

SCI New Years Eve Run 2012-2013


11″x17″ colored pencil on paper.

Limited Edition print.

Made for the Broomfield, Colorado shows December 29-31, 2012

$5 on lot.
$20 after the event.


Filed under Art

Thirty Days of Gratitude

I started this little ritual with my Mom last April.  For 30 days we wrote down a list of 10 things that we were grateful for.  Simple things like abundance, family, health, happiness, love, inspiration, adventure, laughter, evolution.  Then we’d sit and think about each one for a minute, or even just feel the gratitude for each one for the duration of one deep breath.  Looking back that was a time that my entire existence shifted.  I went from regular ramblin’ roamin’ Molly to a state of light and bliss.  Where each day was joyful.  Each moment.  Each mile.

Taking a moment to feel gratitude over just a few things each day opened a door in my life for more great things to show up.  And not only that, I was experiencing gratitude for every little thing in my life as I was living it.  Grateful for the water in my glass.  Grateful for my life.  Grateful for the company I was keeping.

I have been feeling a stronger and stronger connection to the people in my life lately.  People who get what it’s all about.  People who travel the world with a backpack and a smile.  People who pool money for gas just to make it to the next show.  People who teach each other fundamental life lessons.  Especially the hard ones.  People who take action and transform their lives into something beautiful.

People who make art.

People who make music.

People who grow food.

People who write.

People who teach yoga.

Yes, you!  I am grateful for you.  For your life.  For the work that you do.  Whatever the hell it is that you do.  Thank you.

Whatever change, if any, is coming this December.  Big or Small.  I hope that we can approach it consciously with gratitude, light and unconditional love.

Every moment.

Every decision.

Every interaction.

We get to decide how and when to be the enlightened people we are on the road to becoming.

I say NOW

Let’s fucking do it.

Let’s choose happiness

Let’s choose forward.

Together.  Let us ascend.

On this long and winding road, I am grateful for each and every one of you.  Thank you for being a part of my life.  Thank you for being conscious and tuned in individuals.

Thank you for making my life not only worth living, but fucking fabulous.


Filed under On the Road